REFLEXOLOGY - the "Maps of Health"
Ewald Kliegel
therapy, professional wellness und a good body
- Applications
art to perform findings in therapy and well-being is really special.
It's the attempt to detect something we know that it is evident but we
don't know about the where and the circumstances. In that process we
are always in the risk of searching something we have as a concept in
our mind. Especially in reflexology any search could mean that we find
exactly what we expected. But that has quite often nothing to do with
the issues that concern our clients or patients. Therefore findings can
only get appropriate results with an attitude of openness, interest,
attentiveness and an almost childlike curiosity.
In reflexology findings mainly relate to the MPR - the Maximum Points
of Reference. In therapies these are the points or zones, which
indicate a disturbed regulation of an organ or an organ system and we
can use these findings accordingly for further clarification and for
appropriate measures.
In well-being professions these points will be used differently. There
our impulses accomplish a maximum harmonization of the whole person and
so the applications at the MPR helps us to guide our clients very
quickly in an individual field of a well-being. That can be observed,
among other signs, in the respiratory reference.
In addition to the findings by regarding and and palpating the skin and
its connective tissue we may use the "elevator technique". This method
has proved its effectiveness for meanwhile more than 25 years. As
further supports in finding we can use different testing methods, like
muscle test or palpation of the pulse.
Finally, there are result sheets of the reflexology systems on the
hands, feet and ears which you get as pdf downloads free.
Of course, all findings, if we want to use them therapeutically, will
have to be verified - or rejected - by other diagnostic procedures.
Reflexology thus does not release us from using modern medical
diagnosis, such as X-ray, CT, laboratory, ultrasound, EAV or other
procedures. But the elegance and the strength of the reflexology
findings lies the initial finding at the very start of a treatment. The
way of beginning often determines the course of the whole therapy and
this is always is a big challenge for beginners as well as for
long-serving professionals. In this regard the findings in reflexology
are a wonderful addition to the practical work.